Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back online!!!

Hey everybody, I am back! My computer, with its fancy new motherboard in tow, is now back in my hot little hands. Unfortunately I am now bogged down with unbelievable amounts of work for school. And since I don't see that situation remedying itself until around, oh, December, you will have to keep bearing with me if I don't post very often. I know you're all disappointed. God knows I would be if I were you.
So until probably the weekend here's wishing you a good week!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

F my computer up its stupid brown-eye

So my laptop is being a little bitch and not accepting the power cable any more. I've heard that this is a fairly common problem among laptops and fixable by re-gluing a certain internal piece of the laptop that has most likely come loose, but knowing me I will electrocute myself and/or permanently damage my computer. So I guess I'll just have to suck it up and let one of the schmucks at CompUSA charge me a pound of flesh for it. So once that happens I'll be able to post more regularly, as will be evidenced by my glorious return with my ten best albums of summer 2005 so far. Stay tuned.....