Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Tool

Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been away for a while. Work's been nuts, blah blah blah.

I've discovered a great new online tool called Muxtape, which allows me to upload twelve songs and create an online mix for all you wonderful folks to listen to. My mux is over at It's got some songs I've been listening to a lot lately on it:

1. Oxford Collapse - Bikini Atoll
I've been into these guys since their excellent debut Remember the Night Parties. This one's a summery little indie rock gem.

2. Tift Merritt - Broken
I've never really loved Tift Merritt's stuff. I think she's a bit overrated. This song, though, is a perfect country-pop gem that's right in time for summer.

3. The Black Angels - Doves
These guys take their name from a Velvet Underground song, and that's certainly not all they take. But they manage to make a unique sound despite the obvious similarities.

4. The Whigs - Right Hand on my Heart
A sound straight outta a jet engine. Awesome!

5. Frightened Rabbit - The Twist
The best of the sad bastard Scottish bands. One of the best records of the year so far.

6. Aimee Mann - Freeway
She's never written a bad song. And this one is great for belting out when you actually are stuck on the freeway.

7. Santogold - Lights Out
Believe the hype. She rules!

8. Yeasayer - 2080
World music made by Brooklyn hipsters. So much better than that description makes it sound.

9. Vampire Weekend - Cape Kod Kwassa Kwassa
I know some of you are probably sick of these guys. I don't care.

10. The Avett Brothers - Murder in the City
These guys have a new EP out, a quieter affair than usual. The wit is still razor-sharp.

11. Chris Bathgate - The Last Parade on Ann St.
I know nothing about this guy. I think that makes the song even better.

12. Girl Talk - Shut the Club Down

I just got back from Miami, and the most interesting thing happened. I actually found out that I missed humidity. As much as I hated it when I was living back east, I really miss it now. Weird.